Miss Ohio Week
Miss Ohio prelims started last night! I love that the weeks competition has been shortened to two nights, instead of three. So, contestants competed last night and again tonight. They'll have Friday "off" and finals are held on Saturday!
No need to drag it out, right?! These young women have been preparing for months for this week alone, don't make them wait any longer than they have to. ;-)
Kara Mitchell won the swimsuit award and Alexis Richter won talent (piano). {Pics below from Mansfield News Journal online.}
You can find photos here, on the Mansfield News Journal site. (MNJ)
You can also follow this weeks happenings on the following social media sites:
FacebookMiss Ohio 2013 Facebook page
Others who are keeping up with all things Miss Ohio:
Miss Hilliard
Miss America Junkies
Miss America Class Updates
What did you think? We watched on a dinky hospital television, so I didn't think it was that bad. The most grueling part was taking 1 HOUR to announce the Top 20! The only reason they did that was because they were filling a three hour time slot... The show could've been completed in two hours.
I couldn't imagine being a contestant waiting an hour to see if I made it, then the dancing in their swimsuits and the awkward prom photo like gazebo 'thing' on stage... Kind of just all around weird show.
But I'm happy with my list and the outcome! Haha.
Mine: Actual:
~MN. ~VA
~ID. ~ND
~NY. ~GA
~FL. ~IN
~NV. ~TN
~CA. ~FL
~SC. ~CA
~WI. ~AL
~UT. ~NV
~IL. ~AZ
~GA. ~MD
~ND. ~MN
~MI. ~OK
~WY. ~NJ
~LA. ~LA
~OK. ~IA
~AL. ~NE
~VA. ~WI
~TN. ~PA
~PA. ~SC
Five of my six bubbles made it into the Top 20.
Head scratchers for me were Indiana, Arizona, New Jersey and Nebraska. My faves from the beginning were California, Minnesota, Nevada and toss-up btwn GA and WI. My mom picked Georgia from the beginning. Guess we got close.
I took quick notes on the Top 6 on-stage questions.
Iowa: NY Times report that this generation is narcissistic and self-absorbed. Do you agree? Why or why not?
~She talked about "selfies" and social media. A 4 answer at best. She was the Twitter vote winner and had to go first, could tell she was nervous.
North Dakota: Is a college degree relevant today?
~Yes, it's extremely important to further your education... And she shared a quick personal touch about her father, I think. Good solid 8 answer.
FL: (easiest question by far) What qualities set you apart from the other contestants and prepares you to be the next Miss USA?
~Great girls competing, yada yada; she would raise awareness for the disease her father had if she became Miss USA. A 6.
NV: Sexual assault on college campuses throughout the country are increasing, how do you feel universities you should handle this?
~She said we probably don't hear about the assaults much because universities don't want to get a bad reputation. But young women need to be able to defend themselves and she mentioned her black belt background, fine answer 7.5.
LA: No soldier left behind...
~Tough question, good answer; she doesn't agree with it. Easily an 8.
GA: If you had 30 seconds to talk to political leaders, what would you say to them?
~Oh my gosh, such a great question. She could've taken this anywhere. She chose to mention her faith, and that she would remind our leaders to lead our country by faith. Eh...5/6.
Miss USA 2014 (NV)
1st runner-up (ND)
2nd r/u (GA)
3rd r/u (LA)
4th r/u (FL)
5th r/u (IA)
Miss USA
Miss USA airs tonight & I think Miss Ohio week begins next week.
I don't think I made a Top 15 list last year, but I'm stuck in the hospital again so I've got plenty of time on my hands; unfortunately. I've been back since Wednesday and will be here at least 3 more days. :( My baby is so worth all of this but I won't lie, this is a real struggle. Also... Mv babe will be here in 6-8 weeks, as they've decided to induce me. So please please keep those prayers coming.
Back to pageants... I'm so sad I can't attend M.O. this year. This will be the first time not being there since 2006 when I first competed & going back every year since 2008. I wish all contestants the best of luck. Try to enjoy yourselves that week bc it flies by. Also, as cliché as it sounds, just be yourself... Show your judges the best you. If you do that, you should have no regrets.
OK... I'm excited to take a stab at a Top 15 list for Miss USA tonight! My mom will be here at the hospital when they announce the first group... I told her she has to tell me the winner before she leaves! :)
My list is solely based off pics from Facebook and Miss USA website, and in no particular order.
~New York
~South Carolina
~North Dakota
Bubbles: Tie btwn Oklahoma & Alabama. Virginia, Tennessee, and I can't get on the Rhode Island or Pennsylvania band wagon but I wouldn't be surprised if they make the cut.
Yes, sorry no Ohio :( Beautiful girl, they are all beautiful in their own right. This should be a fun competition and show tonight!
Wonder how many I'll get wrong, or right I guess. Have fun watching!
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